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....if you want , we can get over it....

Every one of us has a baggage that is carried in a relationship. We make silly things due to this baggage, subconsciously wanting to prove to others that the world belongs to us and we can do whatever we want. But life comes and gives you a big kick, demonstrating that you are heartig people who don't deserve this, that are not to be blamed for what others did to you in life. Relationships are sometimes about saying what you want to say, are about sincerity, honesty, not about wicked games, ambitions, egos.... you might find in your way the perfect man that can help you unpack, but you are too blind to see. Only when the veil was removed from your eyes and  your stupid prejudice was casted-off, you realize that you are on the edge of loosing that incredible man in your life..... you can accept this or you can fight... I don't want to accept this, i want to fight and prove that beyond the superficiality of the moment there is a heart willing to love but too scared to accept this.

think it over.....  is it worthed for you?


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The world is what you think of it. So think of it differently and your life will change.  (Paul Arden - Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite)

Comunicare vs Tunderea oilor sau cum am ramas inchisa in biblioteca

Intamplarea pe care o voi povesti azi s-a intamplat cu mult timp in cand eram anul I..Cautam carti pentru binecunoscuta tema la Teoria Comunicarii (afurisitele ale de citate...cine stie cunoaste ;)) pentru ca nu am gasit la biblioteca facultatii tot ce imi trebuia am hotarat sa imi incerc norocul acasa (la Buzau)..Stiam ca biblioteca achizitionase carti bune de comunicare....zis si facut. De cum am intrat m-am simtit ca la aeroport cand trebuie sa faci "check in"..securitate nu ma gandeam ca exista oameni atat de impatimiti de lectura care sa isi doreasca sa place cu un raft acasa, pe ascuns...Am declarat ca nu am intentii rele si m-am indreptat catre sectia de "imprumut adulti". Insa aici, gasesc un raft dedicat exclusiv comunicarii..zaresc John Fiske langa modul de tundere al oilor si pe Kotler la industria alimentara...logica zero in asezarea acestor carti. M-am uitat sa vad daca nu cumva biblioteca e in curatenie si se inta